Finally, my Eli pics are up! Tell me he is not the most adorable little boy you've ever seen! He had such personality and was so much fun to photograph! He definitely made my job easy this day :) I cannot wait to do his 11month pictures in May--so keep checking back for those...but, for now, check out these awesome photos! (I know a "sneak peek" is supposed to be just a couple pictures but I can never narrow down my favorites!)
Here are Lacey's lovely photos from before Eli's photoshoot (one post above). Once I had everything put together, I set her up so I could get my lighting right...what was supposed to be a couple quick snaps turned into a full on mini session! She had the cutest little outfit and headband on and was in such a great mood! In fact, we were going to do her 6 month shoot on a different day but these ones turned out so cute, we're going to use these as the "studio" portion! We'll still do outside shots another but take a look at how cute these are!
More Cole pictures! I got everything set up for Eli's photoshoot (two posts above this one!) early so I borrowed Cole and Lacey to get some super cute pictures! Check out how handsome this little man is!
Meet Kennedy Grace, my adorable other niece! At almost 2 years old, she is always on the move! Good thing spills in the grass turn in to wonderful photos!
While celebrating Easter at my moms, I snuck outside with Briana for 20 minutes to grab a few's my favorite one, in color and then a black & white conversion.
I am a God-loving, nephew-and-niece-adoring, music-obsessed, picture-taking, head-over-heels-in-love-with-my-family, difference-welcoming, hug-giving, peace-loving-and-war-hating, thought-provoking, inspired-by-everything 24 year old just trying to figure out this crazy world!