My beautiful best friend! Just some random shots from one day! I was dying to try the eyelash shot and I think I nailed it! And nothing beats a picture with true laughter :)
Meet Joey & Olivia...or "Via" as she is affectionately called! I used to nanny for Joey when he was Olivia's age! How adorable are they?! And that headband on Olivia's head? To die for!
Check out this gorgeous young woman! She is basically a photographers was not hard at all to do my job this day! She toughed out the freezing cold day for me too! We did need to take breaks in the car to warm up but I think the photos are worth it!
I am a God-loving, nephew-and-niece-adoring, music-obsessed, picture-taking, head-over-heels-in-love-with-my-family, difference-welcoming, hug-giving, peace-loving-and-war-hating, thought-provoking, inspired-by-everything 24 year old just trying to figure out this crazy world!